I wonder if you already know that we all have our past struggles, whether it be forgiving yourself, moving on from someone or something else, or simply focusing more on the positive things you would like more of. The truth is many of us (myself included) tend to keep not so positive moments alive much longer than needed by ruminating on them over and over again. Possibly the saddest part about this is that when we are sad or down we are living in the past, and when we are anxious or nervous we are living in the future. Yet the only time we actually have to live is this present moment, and when we mentally time travel to the past and/or the future we actually miss out on actually living in the now!
Hypnotherapy has helped me to personally move on from so many difficult times where I thought I'd never survive let alone be happy and thrive again. These include break ups, losing friends, losing loved ones, injuries, surgeries, illnesses, and other personal and professional losses too. Yoga therapy, mindfulness, meditation, and Reiki were also quite useful when it came to teaching myself to be present rather than beating myself up or ruminating, yet I credit Hypnotherapy with clearing away the past and allowing me to reframe my experiences in a more positive light that allows me to live a happier life and assist others in transforming their pasts into positive nows. There are even amazing tools I love teaching clients like EFT and some NLP techniques (like the Backward Spin) that I still utilize today when I catch myself dwelling in the past or worrying about the future, and I love these because they can be done quickly and just about anywhere you have a few minutes to invest in your own self-care.
My love for this work and the personal journey of transformation that it had (and is still) providing me is why last month's group hypnosis was all about The Art of Letting Go. If you are interested, you can still get a copy of the trance recording here and/or the eBook here. If you're ready to let go of the past and step into the life you do want to live, feel free to reach out to schedule a consultation. Together, we can explore how hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life with a sense of peace and freedom. https://www.unwindthemind.com/
